How to Keep Your Property in Tiptop Shape

Taking care of your home isn’t just another item on the to-do list. It’s a way to protect your financial investment — one that will hopefully result in a bigger ROI when you decide to sell.

Although you might not have a yard or tons of square footage, your home can still benefit from some regular maintenance. Things like carefully chosen upgrades, thoughtful painting decisions and creating smart ownership habits will all help keep your home in top shape. These tips can help:

  • Prevent problems. By acting ahead of time, you’ll hopefully avoid annoying and costly repairs. Some proactive measures you can take right now? Make sure you have pest services scheduled regularly. And keep an eye on your appliances. Outdated appliances are more likely to break and aren’t very energy-efficient.

  • Get smart. Smart home technology doesn’t just add convenience to your home, but many times, it also reduces your energy and utility costs as well. This means savings for you — and a more marketable home years down the road.

  • Maintain appearance. Don’t underestimate the importance of cleanliness and a welcoming vibe, especially in small spaces. A fresh coat of paint and regular decluttering will help make your day-to-day life and a future sale easier.

  • Check seals. Windows can shift and loosen in their frames over the years, and that means lost air conditioning and higher energy bills. Have your windows inspected annually, and make sure any weatherstripping and caulking is in good condition. 

Consistent upkeep means big problems are less likely, and it usually pays off when it comes time to sell. Want more advice on caring for your home? Get in touch today.