Rich homeowners in blue states are among the biggest losers in the GOP tax plan

Republicans’ tax bill is set to disproportionately affect homeowners in affluent parts of the US.

Wealthier households are more likely to take advantage of key tax breaks that could be downsized, including the mortgage interest deduction and the state and local tax, or SALT, deduction.

Though this could weaken buying activity and prices, the high end of the housing market is also the smallest by share.

Most states that would be most affected also happen to be blue states. They include New York, California, Connecticut, and Hawaii.

Read the full article at the Business Insider.

What Trump’s tax plan could mean for NYC renters

See what could happen next  under the Trump administration as reported by Crains.

BREAK FOR HOMES Deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes are at risk.
Photo: Buck Ennis

As part of a national tax overhaul Congress is planning to curtail the ability to deduct mortgage interest and state and local taxes from federal taxable income. e Senate proposal would eliminate so-called SALT deductions entirely but leave mortgage interest alone. The House version permits up to $10,000 in property-tax deductions but allows interest only on the first $500,000 of new mortgages to be deducted, down from $1 million today. The pain would be greatest in places like New York City, where homes are expensive and income taxes are high. Mayor Bill de Blasio has noted that 617,000 city homeowners save $2 billion by writing off state and local income and property taxes. more “What Trump’s tax plan could mean for NYC renters”